
“As someone who frequently gets massages, I can honestly say that my massage with Russ was hands down the best massage I’ve ever had. He was personable, professional, very attentive to all tight muscles, and extremely informative, explaining to my why certain muscle groups were tighter, as well as providing me stretches and strategies to work towards loosening them up at home. Couldn’t recommend him more!”

— JS

“I just had the most fabulous massage ever. If I could give Russ 10 stars, I would. His understanding of the muscle groups involved in my chronic back issues was top-notch. He designed a very thorough and focused massage that carefully and skillfully addressed each of the areas that were bothering me and I feel 110% better. Best massage I've had, and I've had massages at many, many expensive spas.”

— CA

“I am a photographer who is quite literally always in pain. Russ was my massage therapist! I’ve had over 100 massages in my life and he was the first to ever truly work with me on my pain, ask me questions, and tried to really solve the problem with me. What a hero!!! Thank you so much Russ for healing me and making me feel so safe! I’ll be back ❤️”

— AO

“Russ is amazing and intuitive. I received the most magical massage with focus on the tough spots I wasn't even aware of and received a Reiki session as well. Russ's guidance after the session was highly intuitive, he provided a clear picture of what he learned with the Reiki energy work and provided guidance both for the energetic work as well as massage techniques to use at home on the tighter spots. I think I found my new energetic and body worker! Highly recommend trying a holistic experience with Russ.”

— RD

“If you’re looking for a great massage therapist, trust that he is your guy. Russ is incredibly attentive to what I need and is always adapting to make sure we best address whatever tightness/issues I’m managing. As a woman, I feel very comfortable every session bc he is great at reading the room. He knows when to let me relax and when to walk me through some techniques that will help address anything he is noticing. I trust Russ and think he is fantastic if you’re looking for someone that does great deep tissue and massage work! He’ll also spend time at the end of each session telling me what stretches to try to help as well. Thoughtful and super-skilled professional. ”

— AC